
Concordia University was established in 1974 in collaboration with Loyola College and Sir George Williams University. It is a public research university in Montreal, Canada. It provides several educational programs, including postgraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. Moreover, it is well known for its tremendous educational environment on campus, as well as the number of facilities and amenities provided to the students. Concordia University has more than 230,000 alimony at the global level.

Top Reasons to Study in the Concordia University, Montreal

There are a number of reasons to study at Concordia University. Some of the top reasons to study at this University are:

  • It consists of a strategic direction that helps the students increase their leadership and innovative quality and transform them into better people.
  • It provides several counseling sessions that help the student to give them a clear picture of the future.
  • Libraries, research centers, computer labs, etc., are some of the general facilities that enhance the immersive experience at the Concordia University, Montreal Campus.
  • Concordia University provides excellent on-campus accommodation for the students.
  • It also provides several specialty aids, disabilities aids, and scholarships for students in need.

Cost of Studying at Concordia University, Montreal

Average tuition fee


interest rates
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5000+ Students

Availed education loan

3000+ Cr

Loan amount sanctioned

100% Free

Assistance for loan process

Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Average off-campus living expenses


Rankings for The Concordia University, Montreal

US News Ranking


US World and News Report

The World University Rankings


The World University Rankings

QS World University Rankings


QS World University Rankings

Admissions at The Concordia University, Montreal

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)


Application Fee

CA$100 - CA$104

How to Apply at Concordia University, Montreal

To apply for admission at Concordia University, the student needs to opt for certain programs and courses they want to study. Later, they can go to the official website to submit the application form. After the application form is filled with the authentic details and information, students need to have hold of the transcripts as required by the application to be submitted.

Documents Required to Apply to Concordia University, Montreal

Some of the documents and transcripts required by Concordia University after the approval of the application are as follows:

  • Students need to submit all the transcripts as asked in the application for admission.
  • The students need to provide proof of identity and address proof along with the documentation.
  • Examination scorecards, as well as secondary school certificates, are required for the students to be submitted during the admission procedure.
  • Students opting for the post-graduation Doctor program must provide a previous educational certificate approved by an acceptable institute.

Exams Accepted By the University

Some of the well-known examination that is accepted and recommended by Concordia University are given below:

Exams Accepted



Reading and Writing


Standardized Test Scores


Standardized Test Scores

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Find the updated list of courses available in this university

Masters in Computer Science (Thesis)

Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science

Application deadline

Fall, 01/06/2023




24 Months

Tuition fee


Admit Predictor

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Masters in Computer Science (MApCompSc)

Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science

Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


Admit Predictor

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MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science

Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


Admit Predictor

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Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations

View on Google Earth

Transportation in the city

The most convenient way to travel to Concordia University is by bus, metro, or train. People using the public transport of buses and metros can take it from the Montreal region, which helps them to reach Concordia's doorstep easily. Some of the stations, including the Great Montreal, South Shore, North Shore, Island Of Montreal, etc., will fall on the route. However, the University provides the Concordia shuttle, which helps in providing convenient rides between the campuses. Students should always carry their identity proof and follow all the instructions of Covid norms while traveling.

Services offered by the university

There are a number of services offered by Concordia University, which include fees and funding, including scholarship aid, Disability aid, and several other specialty aids on the basis of the student's needs. Moreover, there are academic support, library resources, experiential learning, research opportunities, professional development, etc. It also provides health and Wellness centers, sports, fitness, and recreation centers, as well as 24-hour camera surveillance for safety and security.

Student life

Concordia University has full control over maintaining a proper student life at the campus. It focuses on and emphasizes several events and activities so that the students can participate productively and encourage enthusiasm. However, there is the availability of several clubs, organizations, and groups that students can choose from according to their interests. With good on-campus accommodation, students feel at home at Concordia University.

On campus accomodation

Concordia University provides tremendous on-campus accommodation for the students there. The availability of several services, including food and dining, sports, and fitness, makes on-campus living more immersive. However, the moving-in procedure and registration for this housing are quite easy for the student.

Several on-campus residential housing apartments under Concordia University include Gray nuns residence, Hingston Hall, Jesuit residence, YWCA residence, Mildore residence, and EVO residence. Each of these residential halls in housing and apartments consists of single and double bedrooms with shared or private bathrooms based on the choice. The average expense of living in these residence halls and apartments can range between $6284 (INR 5 Lakhs to INR 7 Lakhs).


University Faculty Stats

Concordia University always focuses on keeping an adequate faculty-to-student ratio. Therefore, the present faculty-to-student ratio of Concordia University is fixed at 10:1.


University Endowments Value


Research opportunities at university

Concordia University consists of several associations and organizations that actively help provide research opportunities for the students. The students have the full allowance to choose a certain program according to their interest, scale, and passion for exploring their talent at a deeper level. Moreover, Concordia University encourages its students to participate actively in these research programs.

Internship opportunities (Part time job opportunities)

With the motive of providing practical as reticle knowledge, Concordia University emphasizes internship opportunities for its students. The Concordia Association of Internship and Fellowship programs provides certain internship opportunities for the students. With the help of these internships, the students will earn several credits, and it might help in their future job purposes.

Placement - Companies and average salaries offered

Concordia University provides a good placement opportunity for students with good credit, educational knowledge, and a skill. Moreover, the University also provides counseling sessions for the students to choose their future job and help them create their resumes, practice for job interviews, etc. The average placement at Concordia University is about 90%.





1455 Boulevard de Maisonneuve O, Montréal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada

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