
Emerson College is a private institution that operates on a not-for-profit basis and is known for the quality of the education it provides in communication, the arts, and liberal education. Emerson Community college liberal arts institution founded in 1880 and can be found in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. For academic reasons, it follows a calendar that is divided into semesters. In the 2022 version of Best Colleges, Emerson Institution is listed as a provincial university for the north. After graduating from Emerson, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to assume leadership positions in areas such as communication and the arts. Emerson is committed to expanding research and creative output in those subjects to offer them new ideas, depth, and diversity.

Top Reasons to Study in the Emerson College

  • Emerson is a recognized choice for those interested in creative endeavors such as writing, filmmaking, performing, and other creative activities due to its academic qualities in the arts.
  • Most of the time, the instructor of the class you are enrolled in at Emerson will schedule a time to meet with you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about the course content.
  • At Emerson, you are permitted to enroll in at least two classes closely associated with your chosen major.

Cost of Studying at Emerson College

Average tuition fee


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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Average off-campus living expenses


Rankings for The Emerson College

More rankings for this university

The 2022 Emerson College Ranking bestowed 188 badges to Emerson College. Performing arts is the most popular major at the university. According to the publication's 2022 Best Colleges ranking, Emerson was placed at number 126 among the country's 2,576 other colleges and institutions. For this reason, it has been placed among the ’s best 5% of all schools and institutions. This is an upgrade above Emerson's prior year's ranking of #240 on the list of the best all-around colleges. SAT scores were given by around 64% of students who were admitted to Emerson. SAT Evidence-Based Early literacy scores varied from 610 to 690 in the 25th to 75th percentiles of students taking the exam. Test takers had scores ranging from 580 to 690 in math.

Admissions at The Emerson College

How to Apply at Emerson College

  • An application must be filed online, and a link to the online application form may be found on the main page of the university's website.
  • It is the responsibility of the students to include all of the necessary information and documentation.
  • After that, auditions and interviews with the pupils will be scheduled.
  • A confirmation of your choices will be sent to you once it has been processed.

Documents Required to Apply to Emerson College

Depending on the level of education you choose to pursue at the school, the prerequisites for admission could be a little different. On this page, we have compiled a list of the key items required of students applying for admission.

  • Resumes/CVs (graduate and postgraduate levels); 
  • Photographs; 
  • Application cost; 
  • Proof of payment for an Emerson College Application fees
  • Online Application form

Exams Accepted By the University





Pearson Test OF English Academic

60 or higher




6.5 or higher

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Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


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Tuition fee


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Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations

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Transportation in the city

The proximity of many major transit lines, including the Green and Orange MBTA lines, as well as various bus routes, to Emerson significantly cuts down on the amount of time spent commuting by vehicle. It results in a reduction in the amount of carbon emissions produced by each trip. From the central business district of Los Angeles, you may take a bus or the Metro to any of the city's 27 neighborhood’s and do errands there. A DASH/EXPRESS bus stop may be located in the neighborhood of Emerson Los Angeles. Check out the websites of Metro and LADOT to learn more about the many forms of public transportation available in the Los Angeles area.

Services offered by the university

Emerson College provides its students with a wide variety of services, ensuring that they never need to struggle with any issues. Included in these services are —

  • Parking for Bicycles.
  • Bookstore.
  • Convenings and Getting Togethers
  • A Printing and Copying Center.
  • Work Orders.
  • ID Cards for Emerson College.
  • ECCash, Catering, and the Emerson Dining Hall.
  • Cleaning and Laundry Services.

Student life

The college wants to provide its pupils a full educational experience. Students at Emerson are seldom done for a day when class ends. No matter your interests, there is a place for you at UW-Madison. You may participate in everything from Greek life to improv comedy to reading Shakespeare and singing a cappella.

On campus accomodation

All new first-year students at Emerson College must reside on Emerson College Campus for the first six semesters of their college careers. Emerson is a public university in a major American city. Residing in the halls provides a place to relax and connect with other students. It is the best of all worlds: the comforts of home and the thrill of a bustling city. The dorms are believed to be where college memories are made, and it's easy to see why. Emerson's residence halls are where you'll form lasting connections and make lifelong memories.

In addition to common spaces and dining halls, our residence halls have Wi-Fi, laundry facilities, and communal areas. The gymnasium, library, classrooms, and state-of-the-art studio areas are all easily accessible. Each floor contains a communal room where individuals may rest. Depending on the dormitory, the restrooms may be shared or private.


University Faculty:Student Ratio


University Faculty Stats

Emerson College has an average student-to-faculty ratio of 13 to 1. Professors often look to this ratio when trying to estimate the typical number of students in a class as well as how much time they will have to interact with each one individually. This ratio is 15 per 1 on average throughout the country.


University Endowments Value


Research opportunities at university

Emerson College provide a number of research opportunities because the main objective is to support the development and confidence boost of the students. There are certain clubs and organizations that support research opportunities and organise several research events.

Internship opportunities (Part time job opportunities)

Emerson College provides a wide range of possibilities for hands-on learning promoted by the Training Center for all students. Employers supervise employers may gain first-hand knowledge in the workplace via internships. These internships and volunteer positions might be unpaid, compensated, or paid for academic credit. Students must complete their academic internships during the semester for which they are earning credit, to enjoy the benefits of these credits in their final year placements.

Placement - Companies and average salaries offered

The Career Advancement Center of Emerson College conducts a “First Location Survey” to see where the recent graduates are headed professionally. Most of the information comes from surveys of recent grads on where they are in the job market. Therefore, according to the survey, the placement rate is 90% for first-year students and approximately 78% for the students pursuing master's.





120 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116, United States

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