
Top Reasons to Study in the Florida State University

  1. Acceptance Rate: Florida State University maintains a competitive yet inclusive admissions process, welcoming students from diverse backgrounds. The Florida State University acceptance rate signifies the opportunities it provides for motivated individuals seeking to pursue their academic goals.

  2. Tuition Fees: Florida State University's tuition fee is reasonable. The university understands the financial challenges faced by students and strives to provide an excellent education without burdening them with exorbitant costs.

  3. Cost of Living: Tallahassee, the location of Florida State University, offers a relatively lower cost of living at Florida State University compared to many other cities in the United States. This factor significantly benefits students, allowing them to comfortably manage their living expenses while focusing on their studies.

  4. Scholarships: Florida State University offers various scholarships and financial aid options to support deserving students. These scholarships provide opportunities for students to alleviate their financial burden and pursue their academic aspirations with greater ease.

  5. Academic Excellence: Florida State University boasts a reputation for academic excellence. The university's faculty comprises accomplished professors and industry experts who are dedicated to providing high-quality education. Students benefit from innovative teaching methods, cutting-edge research opportunities, and access to state-of-the-art facilities.

Cost of Studying at Florida State University

Average tuition fee


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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Rankings for The Florida State University

US News Ranking


US World and News Report

Admissions at The Florida State University

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)


Application Fee


How to Apply at Florida State University

To apply for the academic year 2023-2024 at Florida State University, you can follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Visit the Florida State University website Go to the official website of Florida State University to access detailed and specific application instructions. Make sure to review the requirements for your desired program of study.

Step 2: Create an account Create an account on the university's application portal. This will allow you to begin and track your application process.

Step 3: Choose your application type Florida State University offers various application types, such as freshman, transfer, graduate, international, and others. Select the appropriate application type based on your educational background and desired program.

Step 4: Gather required documents Review the list of required documents for your application.

Step 5: The application fee for Florida State University varies depending on the type of application and residency status. Visit the university's website or application portal to determine the current fee. Ensure that you make the payment according to the specified method.

Step 6: Submit your application Once you have completed the application form and gathered all the required documents, submit your application through the university's application portal. Make sure to review your application thoroughly for any errors or omissions before submission.

Documents Required to Apply to Florida State University

Documents for undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs at Florida State University for the academic year 2023-2024.

Program Required Documents
Undergraduate (UG) High School Transcripts, Standardized Test Scores (SAT/ACT), English Language Proficiency Test (IELTS/TOEFL), Letter of Recommendation, Personal Statement, Resume/CV
Postgraduate (PG) Bachelor's Degree Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, Statement of Purpose, Resume/CV, English Language Proficiency Test (IELTS/TOEFL), GRE/GMAT Scores (if applicable)
Ph.D. Master's Degree Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, Statement of Purpose, Research Proposal, Resume/CV, English Language Proficiency Test (IELTS/TOEFL), GRE/GMAT Scores (if applicable)

Exams Accepted By the University

Exams accepted at Florida State University for the academic year 2023-2024.  

Undergraduate Program (UG):

Exam Minimum Score Required
SAT (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing + Math) 1330
ACT Composite 29
PTE Academic 58

Postgraduate Program (PG):

Exam Minimum Score Required
GRE (Verbal + Quantitative) V: 155, Q: 155
PTE Academic 58

Ph.D. Program:

Exam Minimum Score Required
GRE (Verbal + Quantitative) V: 155, Q: 155
PTE Academic 58

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MS in Information Technology

College of Communication and Information

Application deadline

Fall, 01/07/2023




24 Months

Tuition fee


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12 Months

Tuition fee


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Tuition fee


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Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations

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Transportation in the city

Transportation Guide for Florida State University students. 

  1. Bus: The city offers a reliable bus service that connects different areas, including the university campus. Enjoy the convenience of affordable transportation with weekly charges as low as $20.

  2. Bike Rental: Embrace a greener commute by renting a bike. The city provides bike rental services, allowing you to explore the surroundings and travel between locations effortlessly. Weekly charges for bike rentals typically range around $10.

  3. Car Rental: For those seeking flexibility and independence, car rentals are available. Several rental agencies offer a variety of vehicles, allowing you to travel at your convenience. Weekly charges for car rentals may vary but are generally around $150.

  4. Taxi: Taxis are readily available throughout the city, providing a convenient door-to-door transportation option. The average weekly charges for taxi services amount to approximately $50.

  5. Uber/Lyft: Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are popular transportation alternatives. With competitive pricing, you can enjoy the convenience of on-demand rides at an average weekly cost of $30.

Services offered by the university

Services at Florida State University: Empowering Students for Success

  1. Academic Support Services: Florida State University offers various academic support services to assist students in their educational journey. These services may include tutoring programs, writing centers, libraries, and research resources. Students can access these resources to enhance their learning, improve study skills, and excel in their academic pursuits.

  2. Career Development Services: FSU provides comprehensive career development services to help students prepare for their professional lives. These services often include career counseling, job search assistance, resume and interview workshops, career fairs, and networking opportunities. By utilizing these resources, students can explore career paths, develop job-ready skills, and connect with potential employers.

  3. Student Health and Wellness: The well-being of students is a top priority at Florida State University. The university offers health and wellness services, including medical clinics, counseling centers, wellness programs, and recreational facilities. These services promote physical and mental health, ensuring that students have the support they need to thrive academically and personally.

  4. Campus Facilities and Amenities: FSU provides state-of-the-art facilities and amenities to enhance the overall student experience. This may include well-equipped libraries, modern classrooms, research labs, sports facilities, student centers, dining options, and residential halls. These facilities create a conducive environment for learning, socializing, and personal development.

  5. Student Organizations and Activities: Florida State University offers a vibrant campus life with a wide range of student organizations and extracurricular activities. Students can explore their interests, develop leadership skills, and build lasting connections through involvement in clubs, student government, cultural organizations, sports teams, performing arts groups, and more.

Student life

When it comes to student life, Florida State University stands out as a vibrant and dynamic institution, offering a wealth of opportunities for personal growth and engagement. The campus life at  Florida State University is nothing short of extraordinary, providing students with a diverse range of experiences that leave lasting memories.

One of the highlights of student life at Florida State University is the extensive array of student club organizations. These organizations cover a broad spectrum of interests, ensuring that every student can find a group that aligns with their passions. From academic and professional societies to cultural and recreational clubs, there is something for everyone. Students can engage with like-minded peers, foster a sense of community, and build lasting friendships.

At Florida State University, the campus itself becomes a hub of activity and a center for student engagement. From the moment students step foot on campus, they are greeted with a lively and welcoming atmosphere. The university organizes numerous events, including concerts, performances, festivals, and sports competitions, providing students with a myriad of entertainment options. These events not only promote a sense of belonging but also encourage students to explore their interests and expand their horizons.

On campus accomodation

With a range of housing options, affordable weekly charges, and comfortable living spaces, on-campus accommodation at Florida State University offers convenience and a vibrant community for your academic journey.

On-Campus Accommodation Options: Florida State University provides a variety of on-campus housing options to suit different preferences and needs. These include residence halls and student dormitories, where you can experience a lively campus atmosphere and easily connect with fellow students. Each residence hall offers unique features and amenities, ensuring a comfortable and enriching living experience.

Weekly Charges: When it comes to affordability, Florida State University understands the importance of providing reasonable rates for on-campus accommodation. The weekly charges for on-campus housing vary depending on the specific residence hall and room type you choose. By offering competitive rates, the university aims to make on-campus living accessible and cost-effective for students.

Types of Rooms: At Florida State University, you can select from a range of room types that cater to different preferences and budgets. These may include single rooms, double rooms, suites, or apartments. Whether you prefer the privacy of a single room or the camaraderie of sharing a double room, you'll find an option that suits your needs and enhances your university experience.


University Faculty:Student Ratio



University Endowments Value


Research opportunities at university

Research opportunities are available for students at Florida State University FSU, highlighting the university's commitment to empowering student success through research initiatives.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities: Florida State University FSU offers a plethora of research opportunities for undergraduate students. Through programs like the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), students can collaborate with renowned faculty mentors on cutting-edge research projects. Whether it's in the sciences, humanities, social sciences, or arts, FSU provides a supportive environment for undergraduates to gain hands-on research experience and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

Graduate Research Programs: As a graduate student at Florida State University FSU, you can immerse yourself in a vibrant research community. FSU's graduate programs provide numerous avenues for research, enabling students to delve into their areas of interest and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries. Whether pursuing a master's or doctoral degree, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities, funding opportunities, and collaborations with esteemed faculty members who are leading experts in their fields.

Internship opportunities (Part time job opportunities)

Florida State University offers a wide range of internships that provide hands-on experience and career development. Here are some notable internship opportunities at Florida State University: 

  1. Research Internship: Duration varies based on the project, allowing students to delve into cutting-edge research in their field of study. Gain valuable skills and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.

  2. Marketing Internship: Join top marketing firms and companies in the region for a duration of 3 to 6 months. Enhance your marketing skills, work on strategic campaigns, and gain real-world marketing experience.

  3. Non-profit Internship: Collaborate with reputable non-profit organizations and make a positive impact on society. Engage in community outreach programs and develop skills in project management and social responsibility.

  4. Government Internship: Immerse yourself in the world of public service by interning with government agencies. Duration can range from a few months to a full academic year, providing insights into policymaking and governance.

  5. Finance Internship: Secure an internship with renowned financial institutions or corporations for a duration of 6 to 12 months. Acquire practical knowledge of financial analysis, investment strategies, and risk management.

  6. Journalism Internship: Work with leading media outlets or news organizations and sharpen your journalism skills. Internship durations typically range from 3 to 6 months, offering hands-on experience in reporting, editing, and multimedia journalism.

Placement - Companies and average salaries offered

Florida State University (FSU) offers excellent placement opportunities for its students, with a wide range of companies recruiting from its talented pool of graduates. Here is some information about the placement at FSU, including company names, provided salaries, and keyword-friendly content:

  1. Prestigious Companies: FSU has a strong network of partnerships with renowned companies across various industries. Some notable companies where Florida State University (FSU) students have secured placements include:

    • Google
    • Microsoft
    • Amazon
    • IBM
    • Deloitte
    • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
    • Ernst & Young (EY)
    • Goldman Sachs
    • Boeing
    • Johnson & Johnson
  2. Competitive Salaries: FSU graduates receive competitive salary packages, reflecting the value of their education and skills. The university's emphasis on academic excellence and practical training prepares students for rewarding careers. The average salaries offered to Florida State University (FSU) graduates vary depending on the field and job role. However, many students of Florida State University (FSU) have secured salaries ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 per year, with some exceptional cases even surpassing these figures.





600 W College Ave, Tallahassee, FL 32306, United States

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