
Fontbonne University is one of the well-known universities in Missouri. This university is situated in Saint Louis of, Missouri and had established in the year 1923. It offers several Master’s, undergraduate, as well as doctoral degree programs. Apart from being a studying figurine, it is also an extracurricular place for the students. The athletes of this university compete with other colleges as well. The basic mission of Fontbonne University is to nourish every student to provide them with a better future. Some of the great reasons why students prefer Fontbonne University are:

  • It provides proper stability among the ethics as well as the culture of the university.
  • Proper support and nourishment of each and every student is managed.
  • Emphasis on extracurricular activities.
  • Provides better on-campus living facilities.
  • Opportunity for Fontbonne University Scholarships and other services.

Moreover, it is the tagline of Fontbonne University, “Serving a world in need.” Therefore, this university treats every student as a worthy individual on the campus.

Cost of Studying at Fontbonne University, St Louis

Average tuition fee


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5000+ Students

Availed education loan

3000+ Cr

Loan amount sanctioned

100% Free

Assistance for loan process

Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Average off-campus living expenses


Rankings for The Fontbonne University, St Louis

More rankings for this university

When it comes to the ranking of this university, it has its heads up at a position of 51 among the regional universities Midwest. Moreover, it has a ranking of 6th position in Saint Louis as well as the 28th position in Missouri.

Moreover, it is also awarded as the “Best Colleges Regional Universities Midwest 2022” along with “Best Colleges Social Mobility 2022” by U.S. News and World Report.

Admissions at The Fontbonne University, St Louis

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)


Application Fee

$50 - $75

How to Apply at Fontbonne University, St Louis

The applicants can apply for admission at Fontbonne University on their official website. The certain things that need to be kept in mind while filling out the application form are:

  • Carefully fill up the credentials and information.
  • Students' addresses and personal details must be authentic.
  • Pay attention while filling up for the courses that an individual wants to study.

Documents Required to Apply to Fontbonne University, St Louis

The basic document requirement for the admission of a freshman is their high school certificate. Some of the general recommendations for the students of high school are:

  • It is suggested to have 4 years of dissertation in English.
  • Years of experience in visual arts.
  • A 3-year dissertation in science, math, social science, etc.

However, for international applicants, it is necessary to submit the TOEFL scores.

Exams Accepted By the University

Some of the exams and standardised tests that were recognised and required by the Fontbonne University admission criteria are:

  • The compositive score of ACT.
  • Scores attained in SAT.

However, this university is changing its policies to remove any requirement for standardized tests. Therefore, admission will be considered regardless of the requirement of any standardised tests.

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Find the updated list of courses available in this university

MS in Data Science

College of Arts and Sciences

Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


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MS in Cybersecurity

College of Arts and Sciences

Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


Admit Predictor

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MS in Accounting

Eckelkamp College of Global Business and Professional Studies

Application deadline

Fall, 01/07/2023





Tuition fee


Admit Predictor

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Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations

View on Google Earth

Transportation in the city

The most convenient transportation facility in the city is the metro. This is not only convenient as well as affordable for the students that are living away from the university. Moreover, the students can also use the facility of the bus (Bus 1, 2, 5, 59) for travelling through the city.

Services offered by the university

 There are several services and facilities provided to these students for their convenience, as well as to make them feel comfortable. Some of the facilities provided by the Fontbonne University are:

  • The student services team mainly focuses on the mental, physical and spiritual health of the student.
  • Academic Services helps the students in guiding them towards their bright future and supporting their passion.
  • All the general facilities of the library, computer labs, etc., are provided to the students.
  • Proper dining facilities are provided for the nourishment of their students.

Student life

There are several features and facilities that I provided to the students of Fontbonne University. Some of the essence of student life at the Fontbonne University are:

  • A proper and memorable campus living facility.
  • The availability of several clubs in which students can join that have a passion for athletics, creativity, etc.
  • Has been located near the historical residential areas; students have the opportunity to explore. 

On campus accomodation

Fontbonne University provides excellent on-campus living facilities. The students have the option to opt from several rooms and suites. Moreover, the students who had been admitted during the spring semester will have the opportunity to choose their own room.

The on-campus accommodation includes several rooms which are categorised as Medaille Hall, which consists of a single room and double room along with a quad room, and St. Joseph Hall, which also comes with single, double, and quad rooms, and South West Hall, which is available in a single room with a shared bathroom.


University Faculty:Student Ratio


University Faculty Stats

As Fontbonne University admits only a few numbers of students under its guidance so as to have proper guidance over each student. Therefore, the student-to-faculty ratio of  Fontbonne University is 10:1.


University Endowments Value


Research opportunities at university

Universities focus on providing research opportunities to residents. These research opportunities provide a real-life experience to the students in their particular fields. Therefore, several events and meetings are organised among the General Assembly of faculty so as to schedule the event for the students. Fontbonne University highly motivates the students to chase their passion.

Internship opportunities (Part time job opportunities)

The faculty and Staff of Fontbonne University play a vital role in providing all the resources to the students so as to provide them with internship opportunities. The Academic service and support guides are the teams that are associated with the duty of providing the important information regarding an internship to the students.

Placement - Companies and average salaries offered

There is a provision for a 92% age outcome rate for undergraduates' careers. The companies that hire most of the students from the Fontbonne universities are Nestle, Anheuser-Busch-Inbev, Ameren UE, etc. Apart from this, the graduates have also gotten employment within the 6 months from their graduation, and the success rate was 77%.





6800 Wydown Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63105, United States

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