
James Madison University is a public research institution often known as JMU, Madison, or James Madison, in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The State Normal & Industrial School for Women at Harrisonburg, which was founded in 1908, was renamed Madison College and later James Madison University in President James Madison's honor. It is located immediately west of Massanutten Mountain in the Shenandoah Valley.

University has 19943 undergraduate students and 1946 graduate students. Arts, sciences, business, health sciences, education, engineering & technology, communication, & medicine are among the major subject areas covered in university courses. The business undergraduate program, master's program, and sports administration program at James Madison University are all well-known.

Top Reasons to Study in the James Madison University

James Madison University offers a learning environment that encourages innovative thinking. Aiming to transform the world, it draws staff and students who are remarkable. Some additional reasons to study here are: -

  • James Madison University Scholarships are open to all deserving prospective students from around the world. For graduate students, the College of Business provides a variety of financial aid options, including a corporate partner program, alumni, and veteran and military scholarships.
  • If you love sports, James Madison University is home to the Dukes, Division I athletes that play sports like field hockey and football that have won national championships. Through service learning and community involvement, JMU instructors and students share a commitment to the campus community and the outside world.

Cost of Studying at James Madison University

Average tuition fee


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5000+ Students

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3000+ Cr

Loan amount sanctioned

100% Free

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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Rankings for The James Madison University

US News Ranking


US World and News Report

The World University Rankings


The World University Rankings

Admissions at The James Madison University

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)


Application Fee

$60 - $70

How to Apply at James Madison University

These are the steps to apply for James Madison University admissions: -

  1. Apply through the official university website
  2. Choose a degree program
  3. Fill up the personal details
  4. Upload required documents
  5. Pay the application fee

Note: James Madison University application fee is USD 60  (INR 4,740)

Documents Required to Apply to James Madison University

This is the list of documents required to get eligible for James Madison University admissions: -

  • Official education transcripts
  • Study permit or visa
  • Letter of recommendation
  • English proficiency test scores
  • Proof of financial availability
  • ACT or SAT score

Exams Accepted By the University

Here are some of the admissions requirements that international students need to follow in order to secure an admission at the James Madison University -




IELTS: 6.5 & AboveTOEFL: 61.0-80.0


IELTS: 6.5 & AboveTOEFL: 80.0 & Above


IELTS: 6.5 & AboveTOEFL: 80.0 & Above


IELTS: 6.5 & AboveTOEFL: 80.0 & Above

English Proficiency Requirements

James Madison University international students are required to submit proof of their English Language Proficiency as mentioned: -


Minimum Scores


81 or higher


6.5 or higher


500 or higher


58 or higher

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College of Business

Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


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MS in Computer Science

College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


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Application deadline






Tuition fee


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Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations

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Transportation in the city

The university has public transportation options like buses and taxis. While universities promote cycling and walking as alternate forms of transportation. Cycling and walking are also beneficial exercises for students' overall health. When deciding where to live & how much to spend on housing, college students and prospective college students should take transportation into account because it's not only a crucial service that will be required, but it can also be a differentiator when thinking about their college experience.

Using a bicycle is an excellent method to navigate your school and surrounding area. No matter where in a city or the suburbs your college is located, In the US, public transit is safe, efficient, and well-connected. All students are allowed to drive on campus, which is also served by public transportation (parking permits are required for most on-campus parking). 

Services offered by the university

  • The James Madison University library is open to readers & learners. In four libraries and online, JMU Libraries offers resources and services related to libraries and educational technology. To meet the demands for research and scholarly endeavors, inspire creativity, and promote teaching and learning, JMU collaborates with the students to a great extend.
  • The Hilandar Research Library, which houses the biggest collection of medieval Slavic manuscripts on microform, and the Byrd Polar Research Center Archival Program, which houses the archives of Admiral Richard E. Byrd and other polar research materials, are among the most notable holdings.
  • The College of Integrated Science & Engineering (CISE), the University Recreation Center (UREC), the Rose Library (originally known as East Campus Library), the Festival Conference and Student Center, the Leeolou Alumni Center, several residence halls, the Chemistry and Physics Building, and University Park, which combined recreational and varsity athletic fields, were all included in the expansion to the east, across Interstate 81.
  • Large-scale events are staged at JMU by the University Program Board (UPB), which also organizes Late Night Breakfast and themed alternative nightlife events.
  • During the presidency of Linwood Rose, James Madison University made significant investments in brand-new athletic facilities. JMU recently unveiled a brand-new, multimillion-dollar baseball and softball field complex.

Student life

Jackson Hall and Maury Hall, currently known as Darcus Johnson Hall & Gabbin Hall, were the two original structures that made up JMU's campus. Currently, the 721-acre site comprises 148 significant buildings spread across 2.92 km2 area. The center of the university is on the old, historic Bluestone side of campus, which is situated on South Main Street.

A student's experience at James Madison University includes campus life just as much as classes or labs. Students will be accompanied by a varied group of intelligent students eager to take advantage of any academic, social, and recreational opportunities they come across.

  • Students at James Madison University can choose from more than 350 clubs and organizations. This expanding collection of extracurricular activities offers students special chances that will develop their sense of community and engagement outside of the classroom. Student clubs and groups are governed administratively by the Office of Student Activities and Involvement.
  • JMU's student newspaper is called The Breeze. The Breeze, a weekly publication that covers news and information for the university community on issues like sports, culture, & business. The Breeze has received multiple honors, including a 2012 VPA sweepstakes prize, an Online Pacemaker Award, and a VPA award for Best in Show for a Non-Daily News Presentation.
  • Students at James Madison University have the chance to get involved in a wide range of interest areas, such as intellectual, social, religious, artistic, community-based, diverse, and many more, through student organizations. There are so many officially recognized student organizations with thousands of members. The forensics team from the institution has won the state National Forensics Association competition on numerous occasions.
  • Ten groups on campus receive front-end funding, including the Inter-Fraternity Council, Latinx Student Alliance, Madison Equality, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Panhellenic, SafeRides, Student Ambassadors, Student Government Association, and University Program Board (UPB). Except for the SGA budget, which is authorized separately by the administration, the SGA votes to approve the funding allotted to these organizations. Because certain FEB organizations are more active than others, there is an ongoing discussion about their status.
  • The JMU Student Ambassadors collaborate with the Admissions Office to provide potential students with student-led tours. Before the GOLD Network was created, the Ambassadors were also connected to the Alumni Office.
  • The campus serves its students as the administrative center for a variety of sports organizations, including the Scottish Swimming, Commonwealth Games Scotland, and the institute of sport.

On campus accomodation

James Madison University allows students to learn and develop in a stimulating environment with on-campus accommodation.

  • The Department of Housing and Residence Life is dedicated to offering students with disabilities adequate housing accommodations as well as small adjustments for medical needs. Housing and Residence Life will work with students to establish appropriate adjustments to encourage academic and personal development on campus and create a positive residential experience in conjunction with Student Accessibility Services. 
  • Ten of the school's 35 residence halls are used as sorority houses. While the majority of resident halls only serve as places to sleep, others offer additional amenities like computer labs & study areas. Freshmen are required to reside on campus, and a sizable percentage of JMU's on-campus accommodation is reserved for them. As a result, the majority of graduate and upperclassmen students live off campus. 
  • Each year, continuing students who want to reside on campus must submit a new housing application. Although there are few exceptions, freshmen are typically not given on-campus parking permits. A few JMU residence halls have been designated as specialist living and learning communities. Chesapeake Hall is for pre-professional health disciplines, Shenandoah Hall is for the Honors residential experience.
  • James Madison University is committed to granting access to all events and programs it sponsors, whether they are entirely or partially open to the public, students, workers, or both. Any person who needs accommodations for an event, such as communication services, should get in touch with the department that is sponsoring the event.


University Faculty:Student Ratio


University Faculty Stats

James Madison University claimed more than 1000 total faculty members. The student to faculty at James Madison University is 16:1, with a male-to-female ratio of 41:59.


University Endowments Value


Research opportunities at university

Each student at James Madison College must complete a research project as part of their academic curriculum. Both an internship and a senior seminar are prerequisites for all James Madison College students. In addition, a lot of students decide to collaborate with specific professors on solo study tasks, senior honors theses, or group projects by taking part in research seminars. Numerous gatherings, such as the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, allow students to showcase their research. For more information, please get in touch with your professor, academic adviser, or the director of academic affairs at James Madison College.

Students have a special chance to collaborate with James Madison University faculty members on their scholarships through undergraduate research (UR). Students are permitted to create creative works that advance a specific academic field. Depending on the interests, goals, and drive of the students, UR at Madison can take many various shapes. At Madison, professorial assistantships, independent study, and research as part of faculty-led projects are the most prevalent types of UR. Research frequently expands on what was covered in a particular class or looks at topics that aren't being covered in any MSU classes right now.

Internship opportunities (Part time job opportunities)

Internships are paid positions that provide you the chance to develop your knowledge and abilities in a particular field of employment. Depending on the internship, it may be compensated, unpaid, or grant academic credit. They may occur at any time during the semester, but they are typically finished over the summer. A terrific experience to complement your in-class study can be an internship! Internships, along with externships, shadowing, & volunteering, are all considered forms of experiential education that allow you to test the waters of a potential professional path.

The length of an internship might vary from a few months to more than a year. Graduate students can gain confidence, network with professionals in industry or higher education, and even find jobs through internships. Graduate interns being hired permanently is not uncommon.

Placement - Companies and average salaries offered

For the second year in a row, James Madison University (JMU) has been named Virginia's Best College for Landing a Job. JMU has the greatest post-graduate employment rate among all Virginia colleges and universities. A high success rate and positive professional outcomes have been made possible by students' development of critical thinking skills, creation of reasoning capacity, ethics, teamwork, and polished communication.

The average pay for all courses for James Madison University graduates was USD 43500(INR 34,36,500). Two years following graduation, 94 percent of the graduates had full-time jobs. Graduates in computer science and engineering (MS) and MBA programs received the highest starting average income.





800 S Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, USA

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