
The Canadian government provides financial support to Lakeland College, which is a post-secondary educational establishment. The institution was founded with the intention of advancing the fields of agriculture and environmental science. The autumn and spring semesters are the only times of the year that Lakeland College admits new students; however, students may submit their applications one year in advance to be considered for early decision. Certificates, diplomas, and even applied degrees are some of the options available to students at Lakeland College. Additionally, the institution offers baccalaureate degree programs in collaboration with a number of other colleges that provide bachelor's degrees.

Top Reasons to Study in the Lakeland College, Vermilion

It is an honor for Lakeland College to be recognized as one of the best performing schools in all of Canada, including first place in the category of colleges that are most recommended by students. Lakeland College is one of 63 colleges located throughout Canada.

Living on campus is an excellent chance to enhance one's educational experience, personal development, and overall success at Lakeland College.

Cost of Studying at Lakeland College, Vermilion

Average tuition fee


interest rates
Interest rates as low as 7.99%
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5000+ Students

Availed education loan

3000+ Cr

Loan amount sanctioned

100% Free

Assistance for loan process

Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Admissions at The Lakeland College, Vermilion

Application Fee


How to Apply at Lakeland College, Vermilion

The admissions process at Lakeland College is one of a kind and might be a little bit challenging. The application cost for international students is currently set at 90 CAD (5568.96 INR), and the criteria for different programs may be found here.

Documents Required to Apply to Lakeland College, Vermilion

Copy of transcript

Passport & Visa

English Proficiency Test Scores

Program Specific Requirements

Exams Accepted By the University

Diploma in General Business Major


Diploma in Administrative Professional


Diploma in Account Major


Diploma in Interior Design Technology


Diploma in Small Business & Entrepreneurship Majors


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Application deadline





12 Months

Tuition fee


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Application deadline

Fall, 01/07/2023




12 Months

Tuition fee


Admit Predictor

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Application deadline





12 Months

Tuition fee


Admit Predictor

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Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations

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Transportation in the city

The university is located in the rural area of Vermillion, so transportation is easily available. Both public & private mode of transportation is convenient. Parking facilities are also available. In addition to college offers buses on their end.

Services offered by the university

Campus life is yet another component of a student's overall experience. A student's ability to communicate with others, explore life and places, and be in a nice setting are only some of the benefits of participating in campus life. The Lakeland College campus is home to around 7,000 of the institution's students. Around 500 students are enrolled at the Lloydminster campus, which offers seven different areas of study.

Students have the opportunity to study in settings outside than traditional lecture halls, such as the college farm, the training grounds at the Emergency Training Centre, and the outdoor laboratory associated with the environmental science department.

Both the Vermillion and Lloydminster campuses of Lakeland College each have their own library, with one being in Vermillion and the other in Lloydminster. Every library has both individual and group study facilities, as well as a computer lab, as well as a book collection, a Circulation/Service desk where patrons may check out books and ask questions pertaining to research, and a computer collection.

The Colonel Cormack Recreation Centre is one of the busiest places on the Vermilion campus seven days a week. It has a variety of amenities, including a gym, a health club, a poolside with a hot tub, and spaces designated for squash and racquetball.

Students at Lloydminster have access to both a weight room and a gymnasium inside the school. The Bud Miller All Seasons Park is situated in close proximity to the Lloydminster campus of Lakeland College.

Lakeland College’s student athletes compete under the moniker "Rustlers." The institution gives its students a wide variety of options to participate in intercollegiate sports at every level.

Student life

Students who are searching for a college experience that is interesting and engaging choose Lakeland College. The establishment is characterized by its qualities, and it is widely acknowledged to be among the most prestigious educational facilities in Canada. The proportion of students who are accepted into the institution is also extremely high. As a consequence of this, we can conclude that it is worthy of our attention and should be included on the list of institutions that students most want to attend.


University Faculty Stats

Total enrollments to the university: 7589

Male Female Ratio: 48:52


University Endowments Value


Research opportunities at university

Students at Lakeland College are able to concentrate on their studies because to the pleasant environment at the school. The prestigious programs offered at Lakeland College are designed to provide a seamless transition into the working world and/or future academic pursuits, whether those pursuits take place at Lakeland College or elsewhere. At Lakeland College, students will get an education on par with that offered at universities, but without the bureaucracy, the large crowds, and the distractions.

Internship opportunities (Part time job opportunities)

The Lakeland College website has an online application portal where students may submit their resumes and cover letters for career opportunities. However, before working with the company, students need to do some background study on it since the college is not responsible for it in any way. In addition to providing students with opportunities for fresh beginnings, the institution does so by fostering an atmosphere that is both highly individualized and conducive to the pursuit of high-quality education.

Placement - Companies and average salaries offered

Students at Lakeland College are provided assistance in establishing connections with prospective employers and in locating a variety of work possibilities throughout Canada via the Student Employment Centre. One-on-one job fairs are also held for students at the university, with the goal of assisting them in discovering work that is suited for them. Students at Lakeland College may find employment with a variety of local businesses, including Trace Associates, Richardson Pioneer, Impres, and G-Agteam. mac's





5707 College Drive, Vermilion, AB T9X 1K5

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