
The University is located in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, is a public University. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte founded in 1946. Today, the University enrolls more than 26,000 students from 100 countries across the globe. The school has 170 undergraduate and 71 graduate degree programs available for its student body to pursue.

The University is a member of the University of North Carolina system and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and by the Schools Commission on Colleges. The school's colors are green and white, and its sports teams compete in the NCAA Division I Conference USA as the 49ers.

Top Reasons to Study in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

  • The University is a public research university in Charlotte, North Carolina, and part of the University of North Carolina system. The University enrolls over 29,000 students and offers more than 200 undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • In-state tuition at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is very affordable, especially compared to other schools in the state.
  •  Out-of-state University of North Carolina at Charlotte Fees of tuition is also very reasonable, making UNC Charlotte a great option for students from all over the country.

Cost of Studying at University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Average tuition fee


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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Average on-campus living expenses


Average off-campus living expenses


Rankings for The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

US News Ranking


US World and News Report

The World University Rankings

#601 - 800

The World University Rankings

QS World University Rankings

#1201 - 1400

QS World University Rankings

More rankings for this university

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ranking is #219 out of 443 in the national universities ranking.The University of North Carolina Charlotte is ranked #676 in Best Global Universities.

Admissions at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Avg acceptance rate (Bachelors)


Application Fee

$75 - $95

How to Apply at University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Steps to Apply:

  1. Complete the UNC Charlotte online application and pay the $80 (6,274.31 INR) application fee. 
  2. Fill the documents
  3. You can Apply with the Future49er Application.
  4. You can Apply with the Common App.
  5. You can Apply with the CFNC Application.

Documents Required to Apply to University of North Carolina at Charlotte

The following is a list of documents that need to be submitted by applicants for admission to the University:

  1. The transcripts from all institutions attended.
  2. Scores on any standardized tests your program of interest requires at UNC Charlotte (GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, etc.). 
  3. Letters of recommendation (usually 2-3). 
  4. A resume or CV detailing your educational background, work experience, and skills.
  5. A personal statement or essay outlining your motivation for pursuing a degree at UNC Charlotte and your long-term career goals.
  6. Pay the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Application fees

Exams Accepted By the University


6.5 score - post-baccalaureate degree,  GRE/ MAT/ GMAT,  TOEFL (IBT)- 83


Bachelor’s degree program - GPA 3.0 +, master’s degree program - GPA 3.5 +, TOEFL (IBT)- 83

English Proficiency

TOEFL (IBT)- 83, IELTS - 6.5 Score, Duolingo English Test - 115 + score

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Find the updated list of courses available in this university

MS in Computer Science

College of Computing and Informatics

Application deadline





18 Months

Tuition fee


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Application deadline

Fall, 01/08/2023




15 Months

Tuition fee


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MS in Information Technology

College of Computing and Informatics

Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


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Number of campuses the university has

Campus locations
North Carolina

View on Google Earth

Transportation in the city

The University is located at Charlotte, North Carolina. It is located less than three miles from Bank of America Stadium, where the Carolina Panthers play. Students can easily get to the University by public transportation or car. Students who do not have a car can take advantage of the University's free shuttles that run each day of the week to take them to and from the University of North Carolin's campus.

Services offered by the university

The University offers are an on-campus health clinic, a fitness center, campus child care services, and a large library with over 1 million books. The University also offers a variety of cultural and sports activities to its students, including a dance company, a theatre company, and a varsity athletics program. The University also has an online library with digital subscriptions to many publications and journals.

Student life

Students can get involved in over 250 student organizations at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Students can join a club or organization related to their major, or they can join organizations that interest them. These clubs and organizations help students meet new people, get involved on campus, and make connections that will last throughout their lives.The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Cost of living is around $15,000. 

The University has many sports teams. It participates in the NCAA Division I and competes in the Conference USA. The sports offered at the school include baseball, basketball, cross country, soccer, swimming, and tennis.

On campus accomodation

The University has walk-in options for students who may not be able to commit to a specific residence hall. The University has 11 different residence halls for students to choose from.

The University offers themed living options for students who want a specific type of living experience. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Address of the campus is 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA.

All of the available housing options are suite-style hall rooms. The rooms are fully furnished and equipped with internet and cable. University also provides all of its residents with an unlimited meal plan. All available residence halls have 24-hour security and access to computer labs, group study rooms, and fitness centers.


University Faculty:Student Ratio


University Faculty Stats

The University employs more than 1,600 full-time faculty members. Most of the faculty members are from the United States. The University also has several international faculty members.


Research opportunities at university

Research facilities at UNC Charlotte include the Hugh Gill Swine Flu Research Lab and the Institute for Health and Well-Being. The Institute for Health and Well-Being consists of the Center for Brain Health, the Center for Health Equity Research and Practice, the National Center for Creative Aging, and the UNC Charlotte Diabetes and Obesity Research and Education Outreach.

Internship opportunities (Part time job opportunities)

Because UNC Charlotte is a large, research-intensive university, many students have the opportunity to conduct research with faculty members or in research labs. Students can apply for summer research internships through the University's Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Studies. The University's Center for Brain Health hosts an annual Summer Internship Program for Undergraduate Students with Disabilities in Neuroscience.

Placement - Companies and average salaries offered

The office also runs various events and programs to help students network with employers and find co-ops and part-time jobs. The University's Career Services office also runs a career fair each spring. Companies that have participated in the fair include:

 Bank of America, Citrix, Deloitte, Duke Energy, Eric Corporation, MetLife, and UNC Health Care. They also maintains a list of companies that have hired UNC Charlotte graduates. 





9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223, United States

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