
Situated in the land of the United States of America, since 1900, the Yale School of Environment has been very sheerly committed to the environment and preparing to face the peak challenges that come in preserving the same. The academic synopsis at the Yale School of Environment takes place via research, practice-based scholarship, and engagement with the community.

Top Reasons to Study in the Yale School of the Environment

  1. A graduate walking out of the Yale school is aided with knowledge and leadership skills.
  2. The resources are unlimited and the faculty is refined.
  3. They have a commitment to diversity.
  4. Experimental learning and field skill development.

Cost of Studying at Yale School of the Environment

Average tuition fee


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Living expenses

Average living expenses (Bachelors)


Average living expenses (Masters)


Admissions at The Yale School of the Environment

How to Apply at Yale School of the Environment

  1. Start your application - Visit the Yale School of Environment's website and create an account
  2. Find a course or a program: the Yale school of Environment offers a varied range of courses which includes solid research and analysis, Bachelor's degrees, masters, and doctoral degrees.
  3. Make sure you fulfill the entry criteria: A bachelor's and master's degree have different requirements. The English requirement must also be considered.
  4. Submit your documentation: you must submit a photocopy of your past studies information as well as documentary evidence of your English proficiency.
  5. The selection takes place after the Yale school completely evaluates your documents and experiences. 
  6. Keep checking your profile to know the results.

Documents Required to Apply to Yale School of the Environment

  1. Previous Institution’s Transcripts.
  2. Official Test score sheet.
  3. Letter of Recommendation ( if any )
  4. Certificate of internship or any research work done previously.
  5. Previous studies Documents,

Exams Accepted By the University
  1. LSAT
  2. GRE
  3. GMAT

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Application deadline





24 Months

Tuition fee


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Campus locations

Transportation in the city

The Yale School of the Environment has a fleet of vehicles that can be reserved for official Yale business for a fraction of what it costs to rent a vehicle at any of the outside car rental companies. Yale School of the Environment has two 14-person capacity shuttle buses (1 driver + 13 passengers ), one 10 capacity Van (1 driver + 9 passengers) and one 5-capacity SUV (1 driver + 4 passengers). Reservations are first come first served; however preference is granted to YSE faculty, staff, and students.

One can either use public transport such as subways(CTrail Hartford Line, Metro-North New Haven Line) and buses or drive in with their respective vehicles and park in the designated space provided and approved by the campus.

Student life

From America’s first foresters to today’s environmental leaders, The Yale school of environment  initiates campus from Yale University’s science Hill extending to the forest of New England.

Sitting on Science Hill, a part of the school extends to New Haven, Connecticut. 

Yale school of environment’s campus comprises seven buildings, including their ultra-sustainable hub room, Kroon Hall, and the Marsh Hall which is called upon to be very momentous for the school. 

The Yale school of environment takes pride in owning and managing thousands of acres of land devoted to the research, development, and production of forests in the areas of Connecticut, Vermont, and New Hampshire with access to functional labs for the faculty and the dear students. 

Additionally, The Yale school of environment provides its students with other facilities that include- libraries, student corners/centers, global dining halls, gymnasiums, and other athletic centers the required facilities.

The Yale School of the Environment has this motive of - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which makes the school carry out learning outside the classrooms and makes the learning more fun, interesting, and creative. They conduct numerous events, and group activities to keep the spirits high. 

On campus accomodation

The Yale School of Environment charges for renting and managing furnished accommodation and residences. International students at the school have access to these resources. The world-class accommodation is  provided with safety measures and supportive residential surroundings. All international students at Yale School of Environment are welcome to apply to the Housing Office for housing. Exchange students, on the other hand, are a prioritized group. It has a limited housing supply, and the chances of all applicants being accepted are slim


University Faculty Stats

  1. Christian Abizaid - Associate Professor, Department of Geography & Planning, and School of the Environment.
  2. Matthew Adams - Assistant Professor, Geography & Planning
  3. Simon Appolloni - Assistant Professor, School of the Environment
  4. Carlos Avendano - Sessional Lecturer
  5. Laurel Besco - Assistant Professor, Geography, Geomatics & Environment, UTM


Research opportunities at university

Students can have access to a wide range of internships and placements through the Job resources and the Yale School of the Environment’s Annual career activities which are- The all-Ivy Environmental and sustainable development career fair,  regional recruiting programs, engaging and providing the students with the opportunity to work in companies for the summer internships or be an ideal input for a research paper.
